Thalia's Harmonized Application for Listening to Instrumental Entertainment as a Digital Jukebox Experience
Thaliedje is the music control system for the student canteens in the Huygens building.
You can add songs to the queue of the canteens by selecting a canteen below and adding your song.
${ Math.floor((track_progress_ms / 1000) / 60) }$:${ String(Math.floor((track_progress_ms / 1000) % 60)).padStart(2, '0') }$
${ Math.floor((player_data.duration_ms / 1000) / 60) }$:${ String(Math.floor((player_data.duration_ms / 1000) % 60)).padStart(2, '0') }$
${ player_data.track.name }$
${ artist }$
${ artist }$ -
No currently playing track